Yin Yoga Teacher Training - Free Intro Workshop - 22/09/24

Yin Yoga Teacher Training - Free Intro Workshop - 22/09/24

Join the pre-teacher training workshop to get a sneak peek of the training, meet your leading teachers, experience their teaching style and ask all the questions you might have. You also may meet the students you potentially will be in training with. :)

We want you to be able to find out if you will feel at home with us and at Yagoy, in the space, and also in the style of teaching taught in this 200hr Teacher Training. Whether you have the desire to lead and teach others or simply seek a deeper connection to your practice, this program will provide you with powerful tools to inspire yourself and others. See more information on yagoy.nl/teacher-training-yin

This Teacher Training is led by Shari Iskandar & Jonas Nathan

Sunday 22 September 2024 | 15:30 - 17:30

Yagoy Pijp | Karel du Jardinstraat 33 BG&1

This workshop is free of charge!

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Yin Yoga Teacher Training - Free Intro Workshop - 15/06/24

Yin Yoga Teacher Training - Free Intro Workshop - 15/06/24

Join the pre-teacher training workshop to get a sneak peek of the training, meet your leading teachers, experience their teaching style and ask all the questions you might have. You also may meet the students you potentially will be in training with. :)

We want you to be able to find out if you will feel at home with us and at Yagoy, in the space, and also in the style of teaching taught in this 200hr Teacher Training. Whether you have the desire to lead and teach others or simply seek a deeper connection to your practice, this program will provide you with powerful tools to inspire yourself and others. See more information on yagoy.nl/teacher-training-yin

This Teacher Training is led by Shari Iskandar & Jonas Nathan

Saturday 15 June 2024 | 13:30 - 15:30

Yagoy Pijp | Karel du Jardinstraat 33 BG&1

This workshop is free of charge!

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Yin Yoga Teacher Training 2022 - Intro Workshop

Yin Yoga Teacher Training 2022 - Intro Workshop

Join the pre-teacher training workshop to get a sneak peek of the training, meet your leading teachers, experience their teaching style and ask all the questions you might have. You also may meet the students you potentially will be in training with. :)

We want you to be able to find out if you will feel at home with us and at Yagoy, in the space, and also in the style of teaching taught in this 200hr Teacher Training. Whether you have the desire to lead and teach others or simply seek a deeper connection to your practice, this program will provide you with powerful tools to inspire yourself and others. See more information on yagoy.nl/teacher-training

Shari Iskandar & Jonas Nathan

Saturday 29 January 2022 | 14:00 - 16:00

Yagoy Pijp | Karel du Jardinstraat 33 BG&1

This workshop is free of charge!

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Yin Yoga Weekend Workshop
to Dec 5

Yin Yoga Weekend Workshop


Do you feel the need to digest the last year and create space for the new year? Was 2021 stressful and do you need some time to reconnect with yourself again? Do you need a shift from doing to being? Then this weekend might be something for you.

This workshop is all about taking care of yourself and recharging your battery after busy and stressful times.

What you will learn:
In this weekend workshop, Shari and Jonas will guide you through a yin immersion. They will give extended practices, with yin yoga, pranayama and meditation. You will also receive tools for your practice and tips to keep in touch with your yin-side. You will gain an understanding of the different aspects of yin yoga and how to use these in your practice.

There will be time to share, to ask questions, or to simply be and feel. Jonas and Shari will make sure that you go home feeling inspired and nourished.

Yin Yoga seems to become more and more important in this high-paced society, which is very yang-like. This yang energy is more of an active, outwards and awake energy, whereas yin energy is more of an inwards and passive energy.

When we don’t counter our yang energy with yin qualities, like taking time and space to go inwards, eventually this energy can become depleted and we feel stressed out. The only way out is in.

The sessions take place at Delight Yoga - Prinseneiland
We start at 10 AM and finish at 5 PM

To book your spot, go to the website of Delight Yoga

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Yin Yoga Teacher Training 2022 - Intro Workshop

Yin Yoga Teacher Training 2022 - Intro Workshop

Join the pre-teacher training workshop to get a sneak peek of the training, meet your leading teachers, experience their teaching style and ask all the questions you might have. You also may meet the students you potentially will be in training with. :)

We want you to be able to find out if you will feel at home with us and at Yagoy, in the space, and also in the style of teaching taught in this 200hr Teacher Training. Whether you have the desire to lead and teach others or simply seek a deeper connection to your practice, this program will provide you with powerful tools to inspire yourself and others. See more information on yagoy.nl/teacher-training

Shari Iskandar & Jonas Nathan

Sunday 10 October 2021 | 14:00 - 16:00

Yagoy Pijp | Karel du Jardinstraat 33 BG&1

This workshop is free of charge!

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Good Quality Yin: Balance Your Life

Good Quality Yin: Balance Your Life

Get some good quality yin: balance your life in stressful and uncertain times
with Shari

In this workshop you will be introduced to the principle Yin and Yang, and the importance of nourishing your Yin qualities. In challenging times like these it is important to get familiar with ways to deal with stress from a holistic point of view. The focus will be on the importance to slow down on a daily basis and to take care of yourself, so that you will experience more balance in your life. You will receive tools and tips on how to find a more relaxed pace for you in this busy life.

To begin slowing down we will start with a relaxing Yin practice, where we target the organs related to stress. There is space for our bodies to release stress, tension and tiredness so that we can slowly open up. After that we will dive into the world of Yin and Yang, where you will understand why we need both energies and their qualities. You will learn to calm your nervous system and your mind with yin yoga, breathing techniques and meditation, and you will receive simple tools to support you during times of stress.

We will focus on:
- Yin and Yang theory
- What happens in the body and mind when we experience stress
- Discovering good quality Yin
- Simple tools to support you and to bring more balance into your daily life
- How Yin yoga can help you

After this workshop you will know and feel how you can bring back ease and flow in your life. We all have our reaction to this fast paced society, where it can be difficult to cope with the expectations from other people and ourselves. Therefore we have to take care of ourselves first and connect with our yin qualities so that we can start to see the beauty of our daily life again.

For who?
This workshop for anyone who experiences (too much) stress on a regular basis and would like to find more balance in their life. It can also be followed if you are interested in understanding the phases of yin and yang.

This workshop takes place online, so you can join from the comfort of you own home.
The price is €20, book your spot here.

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Roll And Release: Myo-Yin With Balls

Roll And Release: Myo-Yin With Balls

Roll and Release: Letting go of tension in your body
with Jonas

This workshop is all about releasing the Fascia in your body. Not just with the long held yin yoga poses, but with different techniques we use including balls. With a ball we can roll, compress and stimulate these tissues to make them happy, joyful and free.

Fascia is everywhere in the body and for a big part it is responsible for how we feel and how we move through life. You can see Fascia as this giant web that surrounds and penetrates every muscle, bone or tissue in your body. The Fascia is the biggest sensory organ of the body, which you not just only feel on the outside, but also and especially on the inside.

The Fascia becomes more dry and stiff, especially when we get older or when moving through a difficult period, when in stress or dealing with emotions. It is the Fascia that holds the form and tells the muscles how much they can move. When sitting a lot and doing laptop- or deskwork the Fascia can freeze into a certain (unhealthy) form and will restrict movement and the flow of energy.

What you will learn:
There will be a short introduction talk about fascia and how to target these different layers of Fascia. This is followed by a practice, where we will target mainly the superficial back line of fascia, that runs through the whole back. Depending on the group and time we will be working om some other parts.

What you need:
- Yoga mat or any soft surface
- Yoga block or books
- Blanket or towel
- Two tennis balls or Myofascia balls
- A sock (to create a double ball)

For who?
This workshop for anyone who is interested or experiences (a lot of) tension in their (back)body.

This workshop takes place online, so you can join from the comfort of your own home.
The price is €20, book your spot here.

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Yin Yoga Teacher Training Intro Workshop Mar. 2021

Yin Yoga Teacher Training Intro Workshop Mar. 2021

Join the pre-teacher training workshop to get a sneak peek of the training, meet your leading teachers, experience their teaching style and ask all the questions you might have. You also may meet the students you potentially will be in training with. :)

We want you to be able to find out if you will feel at home with us and at Yagoy, in the space, and also in the style of teaching taught in this 200hr Teacher Training. Whether you have the desire to lead and teach others or simply seek a deeper connection to your practice, this program will provide you with powerful tools to inspire yourself and others. See more information on yagoy.nl/teacher-training

Shari Iskandar & Jonas Nathan

Saturday 20 February 2021 | 14:00 - 16:00

Yagoy Pijp | Karel du Jardinstraat 33 BG&1

This workshop is free of charge!

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Exploring Yin: Deepening Workshops - Online
to Jan 27

Exploring Yin: Deepening Workshops - Online

Do you want to know more about Yin Yoga and deepen your practice? Or perhaps what the purpose is of this practice and why we hold the poses for so long? Do you wonder how you can adjust your practice to be more effective for your body? And how we’re able to feel so relaxed after a practice?

What you will learn:

In a series of workshops, guided by Jonas Nathan, we will dive into the ‘what, how, and why of Yin Yoga’. Each workshop contains practice and theory, covering the different aspects of Yin Yoga. You will gain tools so that you can skillfully adapt your practice to your needs. These insights on what is happening in your practice, allows you to tap into the innate wisdom of your body.

Dates of Workshops

6 January 2021 / 19:30 - 21:30

The Physical Body and Yin

In this first workshop, we will be working on the physical aspect of the practice. We will explore how these long-held stretches target the deeper layers of connective tissue (fascia). Fascia is literally everywhere in the body and it connects and communicates information and energy. After this first workshop, you will see why this fascia is so important in a yin practice and how this affects your emotional and mental well-being.


13 January 2021 / 19:30 - 21:30

The Functional Approach

In this second workshop, we will discuss the basics of the ‘functional approach’. With Yin Yoga, we are not focused on how the pose looks, but rather on how it feels. Often we need to adapt or adjust the pose to feel the right stretch. The same pose can look totally different on your body than on another body. You will get an understanding of this approach so you can find more depth in your practice.


20 January 2021 / 19:30 - 21:30

The Six Archetypal Poses

This third workshop will cover the six archetypal Yin Yoga poses. Nearly every pose will fit into one of these six categories. Every archetype targets a different part of your body (target area). We'll discuss the most important target areas of your body. When you start to learn about these archetypes, it makes it a lot easier to create a practice that is most effective for your body.


27 January 2021 / 19:30 - 21:30

The Benefits of Yin

This last workshop will be about why Yin Yoga is practised and what benefits we gain from it. Even after practising only a few poses, you can feel the changes happening in your body and mind. After practice, you will leave your mat with a calm and content feeling. All the external stress factors are still there, but something within you has changed. We will discuss the chi and rebound and how it allows us to shift into our being.

The sessions can be booked separately (€30 p/session) or as a complete course (€100). You can book your spot through Delight Yoga.

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Yin Yoga Teacher Training Intro Workshop

Yin Yoga Teacher Training Intro Workshop

Join the pre-teacher training workshop to get a sneak peek of the training, meet your leading teachers, experience their teaching style and ask all the questions you might have. You also may meet the students you potentially will be in training with. :)

We want you to be able to find out if you will feel at home with us and at Yagoy, in the space, and also in the style of teaching taught in this 200hr Teacher Training. Whether you have the desire to lead and teach others or simply seek a deeper connection to your practice, this program will provide you with powerful tools to inspire yourself and others. See more information on yagoy.nl/teacher-training

Shari Iskandar & Jonas Nathan

Saturday 14 November 2020 | 14:00 - 16:00
(If you can’t make it on this date we will offer another one on 30 January 2021)

Yagoy Pijp | Karel du Jardinstraat 33 BG&1

This workshop is free of charge!

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Yin Yoga Teacher Training Intro Workshop

Yin Yoga Teacher Training Intro Workshop

WHAT? Join the pre-teacher training workshop to get a sneak peek of the training, meet your leading teachers, experience their teaching style and ask all the questions you might have. You also may meet the students you potentially will be in training with :)

WHY? We want you to be able to find out if you will feel at home at Yagoy, in the space, and also in the style of teaching taught in this 200hr Teacher Training. Whether you have the desire to lead and teach others or simply seek a deeper connection to your practice, this program will provide you with powerful tools to inspire yourself and others. See more information on yagoy.nl/teacher-training/


Shari Iskandar & Jonas Nathan


Saturday 15 Aug 2020 | 14:00 - 16:00

WHERE? Yagoy Pijp | Karel du Jardinstraat 33 BG&1

HOW MUCH? This workshop is free of charge!

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