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Good Quality Yin: Balance Your Life

Get some good quality yin: balance your life in stressful and uncertain times
with Shari

In this workshop you will be introduced to the principle Yin and Yang, and the importance of nourishing your Yin qualities. In challenging times like these it is important to get familiar with ways to deal with stress from a holistic point of view. The focus will be on the importance to slow down on a daily basis and to take care of yourself, so that you will experience more balance in your life. You will receive tools and tips on how to find a more relaxed pace for you in this busy life.

To begin slowing down we will start with a relaxing Yin practice, where we target the organs related to stress. There is space for our bodies to release stress, tension and tiredness so that we can slowly open up. After that we will dive into the world of Yin and Yang, where you will understand why we need both energies and their qualities. You will learn to calm your nervous system and your mind with yin yoga, breathing techniques and meditation, and you will receive simple tools to support you during times of stress.

We will focus on:
- Yin and Yang theory
- What happens in the body and mind when we experience stress
- Discovering good quality Yin
- Simple tools to support you and to bring more balance into your daily life
- How Yin yoga can help you

After this workshop you will know and feel how you can bring back ease and flow in your life. We all have our reaction to this fast paced society, where it can be difficult to cope with the expectations from other people and ourselves. Therefore we have to take care of ourselves first and connect with our yin qualities so that we can start to see the beauty of our daily life again.

For who?
This workshop for anyone who experiences (too much) stress on a regular basis and would like to find more balance in their life. It can also be followed if you are interested in understanding the phases of yin and yang.

This workshop takes place online, so you can join from the comfort of you own home.
The price is €20, book your spot here.

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